Thursday, January 18, 2007

test blog


Blogger Blitz said...

Hey it's me. Here are some things about me you can use in the intro. I am a south mississippi girl born and raised. I love the beach and sports are my passion. Pretty much all sports but soccer is definitely number 1. I love to coach and I am going to school now for Physical education certification major, and a minor in business, I am a junior and this is my second semester here at South. If there is anything else that you think of that could help ya let me know.

January 19, 2007 at 12:08 PM

Blogger kmb303 said...

HI,I hope things are going well for ya! Well lets see...things about me. Born in Mobile moved to NY and then to Savvanah Ga.(but mostly raised in Mobile. Big on Soccer,Coached kids soccer for yrs. 5-12yrs old all ages.Lets see I'm an artist and have a BA in Illustration from Savannah Colledge of ART and Dsign. I'm a junior here at South(and want to get the hell out!)I guess leave it at that so I can fill the rest in on the slides,Thanks Good Luck!

January 22, 2007 at 4:06 PM

Blogger K. Leytham said...

so I hear you are a local artist? I was wondering, where do you sell your art?

January 31, 2007 at 2:00 AM


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